Linux Basic Command
It's been a while a don't write these things. hehe
pwd Display the name of the current directory.
hostname Display the name of the local host (the computer which you are currently using
finger user Display information on the user “user”
Example: finger root
ls List the content of the directories
Example: ls -la
cd directory Change from current directory to “directory”. If no directory
name is specified it changes to the home directory,
For the login name “mylogin” the command
changes the directory to /home/mylogin
$cd -
changes to the last visited directory
$cd /tmp
changes to the “tmp” directory
cp source dest Copy files.Copy the file “source” to the file “dest”.
Example: cp /etc/passwd /tmp
rm file Delete files. Only the owner of the file (or root) can delete it.
Example: rm myfile
mv source dest Move or rename files and directories.
Example: mv oldname newname
mkdir directory Make a directory with the name “directory”.
Example: mkdir tools
rmdir directory Delete the directory with the name “directory” if it is empty.
Example: rmdir tools
find / -name file Find a file with the name “file” beginning the search in the root
Example: find / -name myfile
echo string Write the string “string” in the standard output
Example: echo hello
command > file Redirect the normal screen output of the command “command”
to the file “file”
Example: ls > myls
command >> file Redirect the normal screen output of the command “command”
to the file “file”. If the file already exists, it appends the output to
the end of the file.
Example: ls >> myls
man command Show the pages of the online manual about “command”
Example: man ls
ping host Verify the contact with the machine “host”
Example: ping
traceroute host Show the route that the packets follow to reach the machine
“host”. Example: tracert
ifconfig Display information on the active interfaces (ethernet, ppp, etc.)
route Display the routing table
netstat Display information on
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