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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Windows CMD command  

its just the basic
date Display or set the date of the system

time Display or set the time of the system

ver Display the MS-DOS version that is being used

dir Display the list of subdirectories and files of a directory

cls Clear the screen

md directory

Make a directory with the name “directory”
Example: md folder

chdir, cd directory Display the name or change the current directory to “directory”
Example: cd windows

rmdir, rd directory Delete the directory with the name “directory”
Example: rd folders

tree directory Display the structure of folders of a path in text-graphic format
Example: tree c:\windows

chkdsk Check a disk and show a status report
mem Show the amount of memory used and free in the system

source dest
Change the name of files
Example: ren folders newfolders

copy source dest Copy one or more files to another location
Example: copy c:\folders\file.txt c:\tmp

move source dest Move files and change the name of files and directories
Example: move c:\folders c:\tmp

type file Type the content of one or more text files
Example: type c:\folders\file.txt

more file Display the information screen by screen
Example: more c:\folders\file.txt

delete, del file Delete one or more files
Example: del c:\folders\file.txt

ipconfig show you the LAN IP configuration

if you want to know more.. type help

or maybe you want to know about specific command type this like example:
help md

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