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Karena banyaknya request... dan mestinya blog ini bukan buat jualan.. hehehe..
jadinya gw bakalan bikin satu blog lagi buat customer yang uda pernah beli ato new customer...
watch out for the new blog....
i'll tell you soon
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Karena banyaknya request... dan mestinya blog ini bukan buat jualan.. hehehe..
jadinya gw bakalan bikin satu blog lagi buat customer yang uda pernah beli ato new customer...
watch out for the new blog....
i'll tell you soon
by kenmax | 0 comments
thanx bgt yang uda beli ato bantuin ato ngejual barang dibawah ini...
FYI baksos akan dilaksanakan pas hari rabu 28 Mei 2008 di Panti asuhan di tanggerang
semua profit akan disumbagkan ke baksos ini....
bagi yang belom dapet barang harap bersabar.. mungkin dalam beberapa hari ini uda dapet.. =)
thanx y'all
by kenmax | 0 comments
anyone who has ordered schoko, all the items will be delivered on monday....
and for the coupleshirt buyers, tomorrow(saturday) ill bring them...
thnx y'all
by kenmax | 0 comments
ketik "Temukan roy suryo" (tanpa kutip)
klik "Saya lagi beruntung"
n baca deg..
dijamin ngakak
by kenmax | 0 comments
jual susu dan selai dijamin enak...
pilihan rasa susu:
1. chocolatte
2. original
3. classic caramel
4. peanut butter
5. irish cream
selai :
dips & spread --> rasa coklat
ukuran 100gr cukup untuk 6-7 gelas
1 harga = Rp15rb
beli 2 = rp 25rb
semua keuntungan akan disumbagkan untuk BAKSOS kelas 04PST
by kenmax | 0 comments
Berhubung anak kelas o4PST dapet tugas kelas dan masing2 kelompok wajib cari duit.. jadi gw jualan deg...
sepasang Rp85Rb tapi bisa nego kok.. Dijamin lebih murah daripada harga ManggaDua.
Temen gw jual juga di tokonya di Mangga2, dia jual Rp 95-120Rb...
Klo mo sms ato call gw 081808596533
ato email gw
ayo beli... semua keuntungan disumbangin kok. dan buat nilai CB gw. hehe
btw bajunya semuanya warna putih... yg pink uda gk produksi
by kenmax | 0 comments
its just the basic
date Display or set the date of the system
time Display or set the time of the system
ver Display the MS-DOS version that is being used
dir Display the list of subdirectories and files of a directory
cls Clear the screen
md directory
Make a directory with the name “directory”
Example: md folder
chdir, cd directory Display the name or change the current directory to “directory”
Example: cd windows
rmdir, rd directory Delete the directory with the name “directory”
Example: rd folders
tree directory Display the structure of folders of a path in text-graphic format
Example: tree c:\windows
chkdsk Check a disk and show a status report
mem Show the amount of memory used and free in the system
ren source dest
Change the name of files
Example: ren folders newfolders
copy source dest Copy one or more files to another location
Example: copy c:\folders\file.txt c:\tmp
move source dest Move files and change the name of files and directories
Example: move c:\folders c:\tmp
type file Type the content of one or more text files
Example: type c:\folders\file.txt
more file Display the information screen by screen
Example: more c:\folders\file.txt
delete, del file Delete one or more files
Example: del c:\folders\file.txt
ipconfig show you the LAN IP configuration
if you want to know more.. type help
or maybe you want to know about specific command type this like example:
help md
by kenmax | 0 comments